No-Bake Mini Almond Butter Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting

No-Bake Almond Chocolate "Cupcakes"

Yields 12 mini cupcakes

For the cupcakes:

1/2 cup smooth almond butter
1 tbsp coconut oil or vegan butter, melted
2 tbsp agave nectar
3/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 to 1/3 cup coconut flour
1/16 tsp salt, optional

For the frosting:

1/2 cup bittersweet or unsweetened chocolate, chopped
2 tbsp smooth almond butter
1 to 2 tbsp agave nectar
1 to 1 1/2 tbsp non-dairy milk

Alternative frosting:

1/4 cup smooth almond butter
2 tbsp coconut oil or vegan butter, melted
1 to 2 tbsp agave nectar, to taste
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
pinch of salt, optional

1. In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine the almond butter, coconut oil, agave, and vanilla. Mix well with a spoon. 

2. Stir in the coconut flour and salt. Your dough should be fairly firm, but not hard and dry. It will firm up quite a bit in the fridge.
3. Line a mini muffin tin with 12 mini cupcake liners and evenly distribute your "cupcake" mix into each liner. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. If you're not sure if your mix is firm enough to set in the fridge, try doing one cupcake first and refrigerate it for 30  minutes to see if it firmed up. If not, add a little bit more coconut flour to your mix. 

4. To make the frosting, combine the chocolate, almond butter, agave, and milk in a microwavable bowl. If you're using bittersweet chocolate, then one tablespoon of agave is probably plenty. If you're using unsweetened chocolate, then you might want to go with up to two tablespoons. Also, if you're only using one tablespoon of agave, you can go for the one and a half tablespoon of milk. But if you use two tablespoons of agave, then cut the milk to one tablespoon. It will keep your frosting from being too runny and un-pipable. 

5. Microwave the frosting ingredients for 15 seconds. Take the bowl out of the microwave and give it a good stir. Microwave for 15 more seconds and give it another stir. If it looks completely melted and smooth, you're done. If not, give it another 15 seconds in the microwave. Let it cool completely to room temperature.`

6. Pipe the frosting onto the little cupcakes using a fancy cake-decorating tip, or just *plop* it on top of the cupcakes with a spoon. It's all good.

Sprinkle some crushed slivered almonds on top if you want. Unless you think the crunchiness of the almonds will get in the way of your enjoyment of an otherwise smooth treat.

If your almond is already salted, you may want to skip the salt here. Give it a taste and add salt if you think it needs it.

To make the alternative frosting if you don't feel like melting chocolate:

1. In a mixing bowl combine the almond butter, melted coconut oil or vegan butter, and agave to taste. Mix well.

2. Sift in the cocoa powder, add a pinch of salt if your almond butter is unsalted, and stir until very smooth. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until firm.

3. If your almond butter is quite firm, then your frosting will be firm as well and you should be able to pipe the frosting on top of the little cupcakes. If your almond butter is runny, then your frosting will resemble a soft ganache and you won't be able to pipe it, but you can spread it on the cupcakes with a little spatula or a knife.

If you do have a firm almond butter, you can double the alternative frosting because you don't have to worry about it being soft and runny. Then you can pipe it up ridiculously high ! :)

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