Believable Bacon

 Image result for tofu bacon

8oz prepressed or firm tofu
3 T Nutritional Yeast
3 T Soy Sauce
apx. 1 t liquid smoke
1 T oil and non fat cooking spray
or 2-3 T oil

Slice the tofu into pieces 1/8 " thick, about the width of a slice of bacon
Spray a skillet (preferably non stick) with cooking spray, heat the T of oil, and cook the tofu slices over a medium low flame, until golden brown and crispy on one side. Flip and cook the other side until browned. The tofu should be crispy. Sprinkle with nutritional yeast, then add the soy sauce and liquid smoke and stir quickly to coat the tofu slices evenly. Cook for another moment then serve.

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